Striking The Right Balance Between Business Branding Vs. Personal Branding

“Businesses come and go. But your personal name, that’s another matter altogether. In the social business world, your name can be leveraged as your personal identifier across myriad social media sites as well as your monetized business brand.” Interesting article…

Winning Back Abandoned Carts: Effective Techniques For Cart Recovery

“A solitary abandoned cart might seem inconsequential in the bustling digital bazaar that is the eCommerce of today. Yet, when looked at collectively, these unclaimed carts represent a staggering amount of potential revenue slipping away.” Interesting article regarding: Winning Back…

AI’s Impact On Video Marketing In 2023 & Beyond

“In a world dominated by video marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a role, in transforming the industry. By improving customer experiences increasing engagement and providing content AI is reshaping video marketing strategies both now and, in the future.” Interesting article…