I don’t know how many of you may play online games but this is a great video on how it can develop your leadership skills. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KndJUyKWoPk I’m a guild leader and have been one for many years. It’s a big…
Brendon Burchard Procrastination And The Perfectionist
Finding short videos that kick me into action is becoming a habit. Brendon Burchard told it like it is when I use the lie that I’m a perfectionist so I can’t finish anything. He stripped out the truth and said,…
What Are Richard Branson’s Customer Service Secrets
Billionaire entrepreneur and Virgin Group founder, Richard Branson, is one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. His extreme, maverick style has not only contributed to his success, but it has also made him a global brand. In this interview with…