Use SILENCE to Your Advantage |  Tips to Keep a Conversation Flowing | Derek Gaunt

Use SILENCE to Your Advantage | Tips to Keep a Conversation Flowing | Derek Gaunt

“When you feel someone is holding back a lot of information, you can use Dynamic Silence and an Accusation Audit to loosen them up to share more information. In this video, a Black Swan student shares a personal story on…

Be Nice to Yourself

Be Nice to Yourself

“The way you speak to yourself on the daily is what leads to that last fulfillment in life.” Leading motivational expert, marketing trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author, Brendon Burchard released a video recently talking about: Be Nice to Yourself In this video, Burchard talks…

How SMART Checks Can Help Your Metrics

How SMART Checks Can Help Your Metrics

“How SMART checks can help your metrics. Amara Omoregie, Founder & CEO of amaraREPS talks about how to review your growth scorecards for maximum results.” Posted on the blog. Interesting video regarding: How SMART Checks Can Help Your Metrics…