Planning Vs. Reality – 5 Typical Ecommerce Positioning Challenges

Planning Vs. Reality – 5 Typical Ecommerce Positioning Challenges

“Few industries have as much potential for success as online sales, but successful eCommerce positioning can be challenging when your plans don’t match reality.” Interesting article regarding: Planning Vs. Reality – 5 Typical Ecommerce Positioning Challenges by Jake Rheude that…

LIVE How To Make 0M Offers

LIVE How To Make $100M Offers

“If you haven’t noticed… Alex Hormozi is making a splash with his recent book: $100M Offer. It’s got everyone from Frank Kern to Russell Brunson talking about his approach to offers. And his book is a big reason why I’ve…

Why you need to start VISUALIZING your entire life!

Why you need to start VISUALIZING your entire life!

“Don’t visualize the win. Visualize the whole lifecycle of the activity pre, during, and post. That’s what most people miss in their visualization. Most people don’t actually visualize, they just think about something briefly.” Leading motivational expert, marketing trainer and…