Lessons learned from losing $400,000 with Aaron Parkinson

“You have to assume, if it can happen to MGM, it can happen to anyone. Getting hacked is practically inevitable these days. And too many individuals and even business owners are operating like it won’t happen to them. Sharing passwords, not having 2FA turned on, and even having little oversight of who else has access to your accounts are no longer a viable option.”

Interesting video regarding: Lessons learned from losing $400,000 with Aaron Parkinson with Aaron Parkinson that I found on the DigitalMarketer YouTube channel.
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“After a hacking that resulted in a $400,000 loss, Aaron Parkinson, CEO of 7 Mile Media SEZC, had to learn the hard way that when it comes to cyber security, it’s ‘better to invest 1% of your gross revenue in cyber security than to be wiped out in one shot.”

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Lessons learned from losing $400,000 with Aaron Parkinson
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