Discover the Real Stats That Drive Online Profitability!

“In this groundbreaking video, Scott Moran, Co-founder of SamCart, unveils the results of a 2023 study on nearly 4 billion in online sales. Prepare to be amazed as he shares incredible stats that can revolutionize how you make, convert, and boost profits online.”

“This starts with the customer journey and appreciating where they are at in their decision-making process when they’re searching for a link. If it’s a plumbing emergency, they’re probably going to click on the top link with the closest plumber, right?”

Interesting video regarding: Discover the Real Stats That Drive Online Profitability! by the Digital Marketer team and Scott Mora that I found on the DigitalMarketer YouTube channel.
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“As the mastermind behind SamCart, a leading shopping cart solution for internet creators, Scott breaks down the extensive data collected from their system. Discover how creators are making more, keeping more, and profiting more on the internet.

One of the most surprising revelations revolves around the highest converting traffic sources. Forget the common belief that you need to be everywhere at once. Scott exposes the truth – the top-performing sources are your own email list and your website. Facebook Organic surpasses other social media platforms, including Facebook Ads, by 2 to 3 times.

But the surprises don’t end there. Scott delves into the lower-ranking sources like Instagram, link trees, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok. The facts may shock you, especially the placement of TikTok in last position for converting visitors into paying customers.”

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Discover the Real Stats That Drive Online Profitability!
#DigitalMarketing #InternetMarketing #JVFocus #DigitalMarketer #ScottMora