How to Maintain Healthy Marketing Client Relationships

How to Maintain Healthy Marketing Client Relationships

“Marketing is all fun and games until someone gets mad at you. Like any business, the ping of disappointment from a client hits deep. It can send you into an existential crisis that makes you question your expertise and ability.” Posted…

Case Study: How Rock My Image Used Certified Partner to Become More Profitable

Case Study: How Rock My Image Used Certified Partner to Become More Profitable

“When we joined DigitalMarketer Certified Partners, we were looking to have a framework and system that we could share with our clients that would allow us to stop recreating the wheel and follow a proven process.” Posted on the blog.…

The #1 Reason Why You Haven’t Embraced Digital Marketing Yet

The #1 Reason Why You Haven’t Embraced Digital Marketing Yet

“You’ve waited long enough. Whether you’re a marketing firm owner, small business owner, or marketing professional, it’s time to address the elephant in the room: everything concerning digital marketing is expanding and evolving, and you DON’T want to get left…