“This is a direct excerpt from the Paid Traffic Mastery Certification course by Kasim Aslam. It’s over … machine learning won. Marketers used to win by beating the machines, beating google, beating Facebook. As time wore on, they got too smart.” Posted on the DigitalMarketer.com blog.
Interesting video regarding: Why & How Machine Learning Took Over Paid Advertising by Kasim Aslam that I found on the DigitalMarketer.com blog.
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If you do not comply with machine learning, you will lose. It’s added in an entire layer of decision making that we don’t even see.
Patience is key when it comes to machine learning.
For the algorithm to optimize, it needs to gather as many data points as possible.With a broader targeting strategy machine learning will enable you to discover pockets of viable traffic that you didn’t know existed.
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Why & How Machine Learning Took Over Paid Advertising
#DigitalMarketing #InternetMarketing