How Dynamic Silence can benefit YOUR Negotiations | Sandy Hein

“Dynamic Silence is the process of using silence to create an awkward space that the other side will then fill with more information. In this video, Sandy Hein shares how to use Dynamic Silence after you’ve communicated something designed to…

Negotiation Tactics: What vs Why Questions | Derek Gaunt

“The defensive reaction to “why” questions is something that we discovered within the hostage negotiation world but has proven to be true in both business and personal communication. Simply put, “why” questions may cause defensiveness on the other side. In…

3 Keys to Dealing With a Cut-Throat Negotiator | Derek Gaunt

“Cut-throat negotiators are predators—just like international kidnappers and terrorists. They aim to identify your weaknesses and then exploit them. In this video, Derek Gaunt shares the 3 ways to respond to a cut-throat using deference, Tactical Empathy and mastering “no.“ In…