Do you find yourself regretting what you say? Check this out! In this video, world renowned negotiator, Chris Voss Team Member, Sandy Hein, talks about: Don’t Regret What You Say 5 Tactics for Controlling Your Anger Chris Voss | CEO &…

Do you find yourself regretting what you say? Check this out! In this video, world renowned negotiator, Chris Voss Team Member, Sandy Hein, talks about: Don’t Regret What You Say 5 Tactics for Controlling Your Anger Chris Voss | CEO &…
Coach Don Fieselman gives the 2 things beginner negotiators should be focusing on to grow their skills: apologies and low-stakes practice. By apologizing, you can show humility, responsibility, and respect–essential and vital attributes to building long-term rapport. In this video, world…
Are you working with a narcissist? Check this out! In this video, world renowned negotiator, Chris Voss and leading Attorney and Best Selling Author, Rebecca Zung talk about: Working with a Narcissist? Chris Voss | CEO & Founder, Author | The…