“Marketing is all fun and games until someone gets mad at you. Like any business, the ping of disappointment from a client hits deep. It can send you into an existential crisis that makes you question your expertise and ability.” Posted…
Tag: JVFocus.com
Case Study: How Rock My Image Used Certified Partner to Become More Profitable
“When we joined DigitalMarketer Certified Partners, we were looking to have a framework and system that we could share with our clients that would allow us to stop recreating the wheel and follow a proven process.” Posted on the DigitalMarketer.com blog.…
Top Most Engaged JV Focus Members 2021-7-31 to 2021-8-6 (JST)
Hey JVs, A big shout out and kudos to all of our most recent engaged JV Focus Facebook Group members. 😉 🙂 A huge thanks to Edward Moore and a special mention to: Neil Bosley, David McGimpsey, Mandy Allen, Kim Powers, Michael…