Could Affiliate Marketing Work for Your Business? 5 Reasons It Might

“If there was a way to hire professionally-trained salespeople that knew your products inside and out and could relate to your customers like none of your other employees could—would you hire them?” Posted on the blog. Interesting article regarding: Could Affiliate Marketing…

YouTube Launches “Super Thanks” and It’s Super Stupid

“YouTube has just launched the beta of a feature called “Super Thanks.” It’s a new way for content creators to monetize their following by allowing viewers to “tip” them for content.” Posted on the blog. Interesting article regarding: YouTube Launches “Super Thanks”…

The 5 Biggest Changes in SEO That Are Hurting Your Results

“Google makes over 4,500 changes to their algorithm every year. So it’s fair to say that SEO changes fast. Sure, many of the fundamentals of SEO (like optimizing your site’s on-page SEO and building backlinks) haven’t changed that much over the last few years.” Posted on…