“Don’t visualize the win. Visualize the whole lifecycle of the activity pre, during, and post. That’s what most people miss in their visualization. Most people don’t actually visualize, they just think about something briefly.” Leading motivational expert, marketing trainer and…
Public Speaking: 21 Things I Wish I Knew When I Did My First Presentation
“Public speaking is hard. We all know it. But if you use a few basic public speaking tips and techniques, you can absolutely hook any audience. In this video I’m going to share the 21 things I wish I knew…
$108,000+ in Just Weeks On Facebook! Make Money Online 2022
“Here’s how to make over $108,000 in just a few weeks on Facebook! In this video we’ll talk about how to make money online running Facebook ads and hardly any testing budget. This method of making money online is super-simple…