Use This Technique To Take Back CONTROL Of Any Conversation

“Ever find yourself losing control of the conversation? This video may help. In this video, world renowned negotiator, Chris Voss team member, Sandy Hein, talks about: Use This Technique To Take Back CONTROL Of Any Conversation Chris Voss team member, Sandy Hein…

The SECRET to Keeping a Conversation Going

What is the secret to keeping a conversation going? In this video, world renowned negotiator, Chris Voss team member, Brandon Voss talks about: The SECRET to Keeping a Conversation Going Chris Voss team member, Brandon Voss released a video recently talking about: The…

You need to adopt THIS mindset and conflict strategy to your RELATIONSHIPS

“We have to go into conflict situations, but adopt this philosophy overall: I’m going to treat people with kindness and respect, even if they don’t treat you that way.” Leading motivational expert, marketing trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling…