“Agency owners know the struggle of packaging deliverables. They know their expertise (like content marketing, paid ads, or SEO), but it is hard to wrap it into perfect packages that your prospects can’t say no to. If you offer too little, they won’t be interested. And if you offer too much, they might not be able to afford your services.” Posted on the DigitalMarketer.com blog.
Interesting article regarding: How to Build Your First 3 Marketing Service Offerings by the Digital Marketer team that I found on the DigitalMarketer.com blog.
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Agency owners know the struggle of packaging deliverables.
They know their expertise (like content marketing, paid ads, or SEO), but it is hard to wrap it into perfect packages that your prospects can’t say no to. If you offer too little, they won’t be interested. And if you offer too much, they might not be able to afford your services.
Your agency needs to make a profit, and that means you have to get an ROI on all your lead generating investments. That’s why building your first 3 marketing service offerings feels like a daunting task.
If you mess this up—your business doesn’t grow.
Luckily, tens of thousands of agency owners have walked this path before you and figured out how to market your service offerings strategically. It all comes down to something you see all the time—tiered packages.
Tiered packages look something like this:
- Basic
- Premium
- Top-Tier
These tiered packages give your clients the option to choose between the deliverables that work best for their KPIs, and their budget.
But what do these packages look like for agencies? Let’s look at some examples…
Your Basic Package
Think of this package as your Step One. It’s for clients who are dabbling in your marketing expertise (like email marketing or data and analytics). It’s the package with the least amount of deliverables, time commitment, and investment. It’s your minimum viable product (MVP) that you can sell that still has a profit margin.
A basic package for a content marketing agency might include:
- 4x articles per month for the client’s blog
- 5 distribution channels per article
- $5,000/month
A paid ads agency’s basic package could look like:
- 8 ad sets per month
- 3 conversion goals
- $5,000/month
This is the best package for prospects who don’t have a lot of money to invest in their marketing just yet (but want to get started!). With this package, you can not only show them the ROI of working with your agency. You can also get the wheels turning on their content output or paid ads account.
These clients are the *best* clients to continue to upsell down the line. Once you’ve achieved results for them (a.k.a helped them make their investment back AND then some), let them know how much more successful ($$$) they could be if they upgraded to your Premium Package.
Your Premium Package
Chances are that most prospects will choose your Premium Package, in the same way you generally go with the middle-tiered package for the subscription services you subscribe to. The Basic Package can be too simple, and sometimes you need more experience with the company before you’re willing to go for the full Top-Tier Package (we’ll talk more about that in the next section).
Your Premium Package is a few steps up from your Basic Package, with more deliverables, more time commitment, and higher investment. The caveat is that this extra work and investment comes with a higher ROI.
A premium package for a content marketing agency could be something like:
- 8x articles per month for the client’s blog
- 10 distribution channels per article
- $10,000/month
A paid ads agency’s top-tier package could look like:
- 16 ad sets per month
- 6 conversion goals
- $10,000/month
Essentially, your Premium Package builds off of your Basic Package. You’ll add more deliverables and charge more for your time, and the ROI that comes from publishing more content or paid ads (for these examples). Sometimes these deliverables are the same as what you were offering before (like adding more articles), but other times your Premium Package might include differing deliverables.
For example, a premium package for a content marketing agency with differing deliverables could look like:
- 4x articles per month for the client’s blog
- 4x newsletters per week
- 10 distribution channels per article
- $10,000/month
Notice how instead of adding 4 more articles to this package, we included 4 newsletters instead? That’s a change in deliverables based on the package. For some agencies, this will make sense and for others, it works to just add more of the same deliverables to your basic package.
You can do the same thing with your Top-Tier Package.
Your Top-Tier Package
Think of your Top-Tier Package as the Rolls Royce option of your agency. This is the fanciest, most prestigious package you offer your clients. This means that you want this package to *feel* fancy and prestigious—and like the clients that choose this option are entitled to much more than your Basic and Premium package clients.
With your Top-Tier Package, you can offer more of the same deliverables included in your lower-tiered packages. You can also offer special exclusives—like 1:1 coaching sessions, events, gifts, and more. This is a great time to put your marketing cap on and think what could make *this* package so much more special than the rest.
Of course, the main answer is an ROI. But, that doesn’t have to only come from more money in the bank. An ROI could be 1:1 access to your thought leader CEO, specialized trainings, and free worksheets. Think of the things that make your client’s lives easier and if you could add them as a deliverable in this package.
A top-tier package for a content marketing agency would be:
- 10x articles per month for the client’s blog
- 10 distribution channels per article
- Monthly content marketing mentorship calls
- 1:1 Q&As with content marketing experts
- $15,000/month
A paid ads agency’s top-tier package could be:
- 20 ad sets per month
- 6 conversion goals
- Access to exclusive Facebook events for marketers
- 2x a year retreats for your clients
- $20,000/month
Notice how we added in more deliverables, but we also added cool stuff like mentorship calls and exclusive events? Things like this can make your Top-Tier Package look *extra* fancy, despite it not taking much more time out of your schedule. You don’t have to add these extras, though. You could always do something like…
A content marketing agency’s top-tier package:
- 12x articles per month for the client’s blog
- 10 distribution channels per article
- $20,000/month
This Top-Tier Package just multiplies the number of deliverables (and the ROI).
The Easiest Way To Start Building Your First Marketing Service Offerings
Your prospects and clients have already told you what they want your packages to look like—it’s just a matter of listening to them. When they tell you they want more blog traffic, they’re saying that they need higher quality articles and some SEO help. If they tell you they want to sell more ecommerce products—they’re asking how you can get their products in front of more eyes using paid ads.
Chances are your products are already outlined by your clients. You just need to go in and fill it in with color.
This is a great time to survey your audience or current customers about what they would want from your packages. Just like you ask your client’s customers for feedback to create your marketing strategies—you can ask *your* prospects and clients what they want to see from your agency.
Based on their feedback, you’ll create 3 types of packages for them to choose from:
- A Basic Package
- A Premium Package
- A Top-Tier Package
Once you set up your packages, it’s time to start generating leads for your agency to fill your schedule. Generating leads can be tricky if you don’t know the right strategy. Inside of DigitalMarketer Lab, we have trainings from multi-million dollar agency owners teaching you how to create your own 7-figure agency.
Get expert advice on how to grow your agency by signing up for DigitalMarketer Lab today.
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How to Build Your First 3 Marketing Service Offerings
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