The L.O.V.E. 4-Step Email Copywriting Framework: Connections, Trust & Conversion

The L.O.V.E. 4-Step Email Copywriting Framework: Connections, Trust & Conversion

“Email is almost 40 times better at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter. But only if you send the right emails, to the right people, at the right time. There are countless ways to write copy that converts, but only one way to do it consistently:…

Why T-Shaped Marketers Hold The Key To Success In The New Marketing Age

Why T-Shaped Marketers Hold The Key To Success In The New Marketing Age

“The benefits of being a T-shaped marketer and utilizing expertise from different digital fields to stay on top of this rapidly changing marketing landscape is crucial.” Interesting article regarding: Why T-Shaped Marketers Hold The Key To Success In The New…