Level 3 of the Customer Value Journey with Dave Albano

Level 3 of the Customer Value Journey with Dave Albano

“Dave Albano, one of our ELITE Coaches, goes over the second level of the Customer Value Journey. In this video Dave explains the “Advocate” and “Promote” stages of the CVJ like you’ve never heard it before. Dave’s unique outlook and…

5 Reasons Your Current SEO Strategy is Failing

5 Reasons Your Current SEO Strategy is Failing

“Page two of Google is no man’s land. It’s like you bought a ticket to Fiji and ended up at your hometown beach or lake. Unless your hometown is Fiji…this wasn’t the plan.” Posted on the DigitalMarketer.com blog. Interesting article…

The Difference Between Local & National SEO

The Difference Between Local & National SEO

“SEO isn’t just the keywords related to your product. It’s the keywords related to your location (or lack thereof) as well.” Posted on the DigitalMarketer.com blog. Interesting article regarding: The Difference Between Local & National SEO by Eva Gutierrez that…