Brian Tracy On The Value of Mentors and Setting Goals

Have you thought about using a mentor to advance your career? Many people have and can tell you that you need to take the time to find the right mentor for you. Just because a friend might see success with a certain mentor, this person may not be a match for you.

In this following video there is some wonderful advice about finding and using a mentor from Brian Tracey. A mentor can really benefit your online career and finding the right one is critical to your success.

Brian outlines the seven steps you need to take to find and connect and get the best benefits from your mentor.

1. Set clear goals for your career

2. Learn and study

3. Don’t ask for too much time at first

4. When meeting talk about needing guidance in order to become successful

5. Send a thank you note after initial meeting

6. Each month update your mentor with a short note

7. Arrange another meeting on a regular basis

Before deciding on a mentor make sure that you are prepared to put their advice into practice. Understand that while you may not always like their suggestions, they have been where you are right now.

Finding a mentor is only the first step in advancing your career. The hardest part is putting what you learn into use in order to create a solid business.

Original Source: Brian Tracy‘s Official YouTube Channel