Frank Kern Spills The Beans On His Exact Information Business $185k Monthly Income Blueprint

There is a long pitch at the beginning, but at 6:00 minutes the interview with Frank Kern starts and in typical Kern fashion he just opens up and over delivers.

The discussion begins around his current phase which is working one on one with clients and a group coaching session for six weeks on how to get coaching clients.

Frank says he is not visible by design, he is using Dan Kennedy’s takeaway selling and enjoying his work. He feels great that he has a quality program to offer his clients, and believes strongly that longevity in internet marketing is based on quality and a genuine concern that your products will benefit others.

As regards his coaching program he outlined the steps necessary to become successful at it.

First and foremost you have to know how to do it, he provides two sessions every other week to discuss goals and review what the client accomplished and what they need help with. You have to have a system to consistently get clients.

Step 1 is a giveaway option with real value to get a client – this is very different that the typical giveaway of a video, training series, ebook or something as they don’t work with coaching.

He calls it the irresistible intrigue offer to help them for free the conversion mechanics are to discuss the benefits they will get with the free help able to double, or triple their business, their bottom line, the product line whatever their goal might be.

Next explain why you are doing this and how much you charge – not so blatant but with finesse. “You are doing this because you genuinely like helping people succeed.” “You enjoy seeing your clients enjoying the lifestyle they have always dreamed of”. And if after we go through the free consultation and want to work one on one with me my fee is $9750 a month.

But I want you to know this consultation will not be a thinly disguised sales pitch, there will be no pressure, just me working with you to define a plan to help you achieve what you want in life. And I will go one step further if you feel that I wasted your time I will compensate you for your time and I will pay you $1000.

Before we go any further I can’t help everyone, I need you to meet three criteria. I will need you to complete a questionnaire on these criteria as I don’t want to work with everyone.

This turns the tables on the clients and you are getting them to pre-qualify themselves to you. Last step is the call to action – completing the questionnaire.

The collaborative close is where I discuss – once we look at your life / business / goals and come up with a plan to get you where you want to be, now that you’ve seen it, would you like me to help you implement it?

Original Source: The Official GKIC YouTube Channel presented by Dave Dee